Welcome to teh eval chronical of many docters!!!!1

spcieal thnaks too jeffk!!!!1


what teh doctars had to say!!!1-


"MRI doctor's report-


1. a 7.0X4.0X2.0 cm eccentric elongated cortical based lesion is identified involving the lateral cortex of the left humeral diaphysis. this is clearly a cortical based lesion. on plain radiography from 6/1/01 from Memorial Hermann Hospital, there is clearly a sclerotic rim and a narrow zone of transition. the lateral corex of the proximal humerus appears expanded.

2. On MRI the corical margin of the lesion is evident, particularly medially, and is less apparent laterally. the matrix of the lesion shows low to intermediate signal on t1-weighted images, and relatively high signal on t2-weighted images. 25-30% of the lesion enhances with gadoiamide. the portion that enhances appears to be the areas closest to the cortical margin of the humerus. whole the lesion does push the adjacent musculature, it does not directly invade it.

3. No other abnormalities are noted in the proximal left humerus. no intra-articular extension is seen.


This elongated 7.0 cm lesion appears to be contained within the lateral cortex of the proximal humerus. the fact that the patient has had thisi for 3 years and it has a narrow zone of transition suggestes a benign etiology. there is some enhancement, and the signifigance of this enhancement is not clear. nevertheless, i suspect that iti represents an intracortical cystic form of osteofibrous dysplasia (Kempson-Campanacci lesion).


Ultrasound report-

The patient has a clincally papable mass overlying the lateral aspect of the proximal humerus. sonographic examination of this structure is performed using high resolution dynamic b mode imaging as well as panoramic b mode imaging.

the examination shows what appears to be a predominantly cystic intracortical mass involving the lateral aspect of the proximal humerus measuring approximately 6.5 cm in diameter. the mass causes scalloping of the cortex and bulges laterally from the cortex into the overlying muscles. the mass appears to be filled with echogenic material with small specks of dense echos within it. I believe that this isi a bone related mass perhaps an aneurysm of bone cyst or an unual variety of fibrous cortical defect.

(x-ray requested asap)

X-ray report-

There is approximately 7 cm X 1.5 Cm diameter cystic lesion arising from the lateral aspect of the left proximal humerus metaphyses/metaphyseal diaphyseal junction region. it appears to be arising from the lateral cortex and has a very thin outer calcified margin. the findings either represent an unsual variety of non ossifying fibroma or, more likely, an aneurysmal bone cyst. other entities that mimic this lesion includes monostotic fibrous dysplasia, etc. the rest of the bony structures appear intact."

yes, all that si makign perfact sence fagots!1....anywhey dumbshoes- teh they all thought thsi stuff fr0m these picturers beloww!!!!111-


i have been hax0r3d

the yellowish crap in this one is from the lightboard we have...its hightlighter. these are initial ultrasound tests.

this is just one of the many pages of mri results weve got...

this is the result of the xrays done...note the stuff circled in the same picture below...execept it has a circle around the obvious location of the problem...

and that- i dont know who she is. pretty hot huh?


thats about all i have for you now, tune in next week kids, when we explore creating brian's guitar and rephotographing brian's computer. also we will excavate monkey corpses from his backyard while his parents are away, and sell the monkey corpses on ebay for eleventy billion dollars. we will also be fishing for rice, extracting puppies from drains, helping midgets by demanding midget food be served in major food chains (hey, a midget just cant handle a giant arby's burger right?), and last but not least, excavation of monkey corpses from under brian's bed. bet you cant wait can you? well, you will- AND YOU WILL LIEK IT~!!!!1